
The Dolce Vita Diaries

Written by (Cathy Rogers & Jason Gibb)

The Dolce Vita Diaries

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to own your own olive grove, whimsically or otherwise, this book gives you the inside scoop. The Dolce Vita Diaries charts the progress of Cathy Rogers and Jason Gibb as they set out on their dream to harvest their own olive oil from their very own olive grove.

Between them the couple have notched up careers as TV producers, marine biologists, medics, touring musicians, lake monster hunters, diving instructors, TV presenters, and even church organists. Phew. Cathy Rogers is probably best known for her appearances as a presenter on Channel 4’s Scrapheap Challenge but felt the earthier qualities of the olive grove calling. Just be warned – you might start craving good bread and even better olive oil as you read through the ups, downs and recipes the couple encounter with their Italian olive grove project.

Priced at £14.99, published by Harper Collins.